Drift Games National Championship Rnd 4 : The Final, Punchestown, Ireland – race report

Lwi Edwards : Drift Games Rnd 4 : Punchestown Credit: Niall Keating Photography

The final round of the amazing Drift Games National championship took place in Punchestown, Ireland. This horse racing venue was transformed into a purpose made drift venue and incorporated a large classic and modified car show. The Nationals competed on the Saturday and the Extreme class on Sunday, so it was a jam packed weekend for petrol heads.

A few minor repairs to battle scars on the M3 from the previous round of the British Drift Championship carried out by Allitalia Wrexham and comprehensive mechanical check , the Team made its way for the last time across the water from the base in North Wales to the Emerald Isle with the support of Irish Ferries in time for practice day on the Friday.

Young Blood, Lwi Edwards, was sitting in 8th position overall in the championship, so needed to have a good finish at this last round to make his way up the leaderboard. Practice on Friday was invaluable for Lwi to familiarise himself with the purpose built track, a very technical layout with more inner clipping points than previously which created a tight circuit. The weather was warm and dry and we did wonder if it would be more suited for the higher horsepower cars, but this was not the case, and once again, the control tyres that are used helped to level the field a bit.

Lwi Edwards : Drift Games Rd4 : Qualifying 4th

Qualifying : After a short practice session on Saturday morning, Lwi processed his usual qualifying line into his computer type memory and finished the session early to relax. As Lwi was sitting high up in championship, he was one of the last to run and had the pleasure in watching the majority of the field of 70 drivers rack up some high qualifying scores in the 80’s. To get into the top 32, a score of at least 78 was needed, but nobody had broke into the 90’s.. until Lwi went out. He drove clean qualifying line that the judges had specified, and scored a 91 on first run, putting him in 1st position. But Lwi is never content and was still determined to improve on second run, putting in score of 92. Normally this would have been enough to stay at top, but the level of drivers still knocked him down to 4th place which was still a great result. The minimum score to break into top 32 was 79 points, so it was an indication that all the battles were going to be hard.


Top 32 Battle: Lwi first battle was against Trevor Healy in a Nissan Skyline, which was a little easy due to Healy unfortunately spinning out on his chase of Lwi, this gave Lwi a 10-0 advantage, so he didnt have to push on the chase run and won the battle without too much drama.


Top 16 Battle: After having a long wait due to the circuit having to be cleaned after a major oil spill, Lwi was to run against Justin Murphy in an identical spec M3 as Lwi, another skilled driver who had beaten Lwi in previous battle at Watergrass Hill after a OMT. Both drivers Lwi and Justin ran a clean line and it was a close call but Lwi took the win as he was judged as having a tidier chase line that Justin.


Great 8 Battle: And this was going to be a tall order, Lwi against Alan Mc Meel in a very light, big horsepower AE86, approx twice HP and half weight of the M3, and he could pedal well . Lwi lead run was perfect as always, and allowed McMeel to sit on his door, but Lwi knew he would be left behind on his chase, so pushed as hard as possible to keep close and had to cut track to keep proximity. The judges marked Lwi down for this and the better car won the battle. Lwi was out-carred again in the Great 8 and McMeel took the win.


Lwi Edwards : Drift Games Nationals : Rnd 4 : Punchestown : Final Positions 6th o/all

The final championship points moved Lwi up to 6th Position overall and he was honoured receive the accolade of the Drift Games Future Talent award for 2019, an incredible achievement for his first season in competition against a field of talented drivers from Ireland and few from the UK

Lwi Edwards : Drift Games National Championship 2019 : Rnd 4 ; Future Talent Award

Next round will see us at Three Sisters for British Drift Championship on 14th September where Lwi will be battling to keep his lead of the Pro Am Championship.

All the In Car footage from qualifying and battles below on playlist showing the smooth precise driving style of young Lwi Edwards

Lwi Edwards Drift Games 2019 Rnd4 In Car Playlist

Thanks again for the people who support us: Allitalia Wrexham, Learn2drift, Irish Ferries, and the Team, Howard Edwards, Danny Madden, Damien Gough and Julie Robinson, they all help make this happen

Drift Games National Championship : Countdown to the Final round at Punchestown Ireland

The Emerald Isle beckons Lwi Edwards for the final round of the Drift Games National Championship this coming weekend at purpose made circuit in Punchestown, Ireland

Currently sitting in 8th position in a championship mixed with Pro and Pro-Am drivers is an amazing feat for the youngsters first ever season in competition, while making it to the podium is impossible due to the huge lead that fellow UK driver Luke Barker is fighting with Harry Kerr, it is still possible to climb a few places still with a good result this weekend.

The BMW M3 has been repaired after a few wall taps in BDC at Birmingham, checked over and give a bill of good health by Allitalia Wrexham. Then heading off across the water once again with the support of Irish Ferries ready for open practice on Friday morning.

Team support has increased for this last round with ‘Team Manager’ Damien Gough and the legend Pro Drifter Julie Robinson on hand to offer advice to young Lwi as well as the usual mechanical support from Chief Mechanic Dan ‘mad’ Madden and of course, myself, Howard, who has the task pulling it all together.

Its going to be challenging weekend once again against the higher HP cars but with Lwi showing his ability to drive a precise lead line and almost perfect qualifying line which the judges expect, the chance to finish well is always available with the lower power of the M3 engine.

2020 will see another step up competition car build to compete with the top drivers, and hopefully this will be in the Pro class .

British Drift Championship : Round 4 : NEC : Report

Round 4 of the British Drift Championship, High Roller, was to take place on a purpose built track at the NEC in Birmingham. Solid concrete barriers lined the technical layout which would favour the high horsepower cars, unless it rained, which it did, torrentially!

Arriving at the venue on the Friday ready for practice, the Allitalia crew set up their usual camp ready for a half day of practice for Lwi in the M3. Weather was dry and a limited amount of time for the field of drivers meant a rush to get some runs in and familiarise with the new layout. Lwi did his usual and just dialled in the line he needed , inputted the information into his computer type brain and signed off for the day.

Saturday turned out to be a different story, greeted with torrential rain that didnt let up for a lot of the day, this was going to upset the whole field of drivers and also level the playing field for lower horsepower cars, but still didnt make it easy for Lwi. Some extra practice in the morning helped get used to the rain, but it was going to be a lottery for everyone with standing water and slippy painted lines, some uncharacteristic zero scores were ahead.

Qualifying: and Lwi was determined to qualify well now he was 2nd in championship within reach of the top step so kept his cool to run a steady and safe first run, choosing to run the Triace soft tyres to search for grip in the wet surface. His score of 58 was lowest to date but enough for the conditions to keep him in top 10 for a while. The second run was a disaster, something rare for Lwi to ever do, a certain part of the track caught a lot of drivers out, and Lwi included, he span! This meant that his score of 58 was to stand and the long wait to see what position it left him in. Luckily for Lwi, and with lots of zero’s happening, he qualified a reasonable 17th place. The worst position ever but safe to fight in battles.

Top 32 Battle: A David and Goliath battle to be had, Lwi Vs Andy Frost. Lwi in with approx 340hp and Andy with around 700 hp, but the track was still wet and this would help Lwi get the power down. Lwi to chase on first run and he kept it safe and steady in the wet and slippy conditions. His lead run again was steady and accurate, running a nice lead line as always, this was in the bag for Lwi, and his confidence was growing on the day.

Top 16 Battle: and Lwi was facing a newcomer Damien Choppen in his E46 with 1JZ engine fitted. The track had started to dry slightly and this was to become a bit of an issue for Lwi running the sticky Triace tyres, with the mixed surface changes, gripping in areas made for a challenging drive. Lwi lead line was nice and tidy, the chase was on point and advantage to Lwi, so through to great 8.

Great 8 : This was to be an epic battle with William Hanna in his Skyline, almost twice the hp and a track that was drying out quickly. Lwi made some small errors on his lead run due to the grip level changing and not having the horsepower to compensate, but also ran a perfect line on the walls, then Hanna also made few mistakes. So it went to one more time, the best decision the judges could make. By now, the Triaces were grippy and did cause Lwi to shallow slightly on his chase run, but kept proximity and did a few demon dives on the lead car to please the judges. His lead run was an epic start, somehow left Hanna standing off the line but carried too much speed into the same corner that caught him out on qualifying and Lwi span! .. Again… Hanna took the deserved win.

So Lwi didnt make the final 4 again but an amazing result again for the 17yr old youngster in a relatively low powered car on his first ever year of competition

But consulation for the weekend was winning the ‘Hard Charger’ Award for the day knowing that he is now LEADING THE PRO-AM CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!!

Check out the video below from the weekend

Video of the weekend from our media partner Sideways Media.net

Countdown to Round 4 British Drift Championship : High Roller, NEC Birmingham

Lwi Edwards : British Drift Championship 2019 : Round 4

Back to the UK for the next round of the British Drift Championship for Young Blood, Lwi Edwards. Round 4 takes place at the NEC Birmingham on purpose built track similar to the previous round of Drift Games in Ireland.

Currently sitting in second place overall in the Pro-Am class of the BDC2019, he is looking to build on this with consistent runs while avoiding the notorious concrete walls that will be lining the circuit.

Half way through the season of the British Championship and Lwi is only 5 points behind the leader. As a team, we didnt expect to be anywhere near this but Lwi’s natural talent is shining through at an incredible speed . So we are all geared up now for a push to move up a level into the Pro class for 2020. Although the M3 is capable of competing in Pro class with some modifcations, a new car Pro spec car is due to be factored into the workload this year in anticipation of him gaining his Pro License in 2019

We are looking for individuals and companies who would like to get involved with the progress of Lwi Edwards, a golden opportunity to support a young driver who, at 17yrs old, is turning out to be a giant killer.

In the meantime, the M3 has just been prepared and checked by Allitalia Wrexham ready for the NEC and Lwi is fresh from a weekend of practice in Instructing with Learn2Drift at Rockingham and Birmingham Wheels to keep his skills honed.

If you would lie to be part of this journey please drop us a line at support@lwiedwards.com or howard@italianspecialist.com

Drift Games Nationals Round 3, Eikon Centre, Lisburn N.Ireland – Report

Lwi Edwards Drift Games National Championships Round 3 Eikon Centre

After two rounds of the British Drift Championship completed with great results with Lwi sitting in 2nd position overall, it was time for Lwi to make the long trip across the water back to Ireland for the next round of the Drift Games National Championships. This round was to be in the Eikon Centre in Lisburn, Northern Ireland, a custom built circuit set up with one of the biggest car shows in Ireland. This was only a one day event with minimal practice for the whole field. Lwi was 13th in the DGN Championship when he arrived at the event. With only 4 rounds of the Championship, and a field of very talented drivers, he is looking to finish in top 10 at the end of the season. With the car checked and loaded up at the Allitalia base in North Wales, we headed off across the water with Irish Ferries once again, who always offer us an amazing discount on ferry crossing.

Lwi Edwards : Drift Games 2019 Round 3 : Eikon Centre

After limited morning practice for the 70+ field of drivers on the tight, technical circuit it was then time for qualification runs, the weather was warm and dry and competition was fierce. Just the wrong time for the normally extremely reliable BMW M3 to decide to leak brake fluid into the driver footwell. After a frantic time for the team trying to get to the bottom of the problem we found that it could not be repaired in time so decided to run with the leak and keep the fluid localised in the car while just refilling the reservoir in between runs. It was important to not let any fluid escape the confines of the car and contaminate the drift track, so we decided to make this the priority and cross fingers that the clutch would hold out during competition.

Lwi Edwards DGN Round 3 Qualifying Run

Qualification Runs, Lwi’s first run was smooth and precise as always, hitting all clips and running a nice line which gave him a score of 84. Under normal competition, this would be the top score, but in DGN, he was place in 5th place. Not content with this result, Lwi pulled out all the stops to put a near perfect line for his second run, with the judges applauding him and commenting that he had actually blackened the white marker line with his perfect positioning of the rear wheels. He finished with an amazing result of 94 points putting him in 1st position, only to be knocked off the top spot by the Championship leader and very talented Luke Barker at the very end of qualifying, so 2nd position finish was an amazing result again and best to date. Once again, the level of driving in Ireland is very high with 74 being the lowest score in top 32!

On to the battles and after topping up the clutch fluid and mopping out the fluid from the driver footwell, with some extra brake fluid given to us by first battle opponent Paddy O’Kane (just love this sport) it was time to start.

Lwi Edwards Vs Paddy O’Kane : Top 32 Battle

Top 32 Battle and Lwi was pitched against Paddy O’Kane (who kindly donated some brake fluid to help keep Lwi in the competition) with Lwi laying down his usual clinical qualifying line, his opponent held good proximity but had a few moments where he went off line and lost momentum. On the chase run, Lwi was more consistent and closer in places, so Lwi took the win.

Top 16 Battle was cut short after opponent Lee McFadden had a terminal driveshaft failure during the run and couldnt repair it, so Lwi had the ByRun to go through to the great 8. It was a shame as he was looking forward to the battle, but a bonus all the same.

Lwi Edwards Vs Cathal McLaughlin : Great 8 Battle

Great 8 Battle was against a top class driver Cathal McLaughlin, it was going to be a hard battle and Lwi put in his usual clinical lead run, with Cathal hard on his door for the full run. With Cathal leading, Lwi had a slight struggle to keep up with the considerably higher horsepower of his Nissan but help good proximity. However, after the judges took a considerable amount of time to make their decision, the win went to Cathal. It was a close call but justified and Cathal went on to win the event, so obviously the best driver of the day

Another fantastic result for Young Blood, Lwi Edwards, qualifying in 2nd and battling to the Great 8. This has taken him up the championship table and he now sits in 8th position in the Drift Games National Championships with one more round to go in August 24th at Punchestown

Lwi Edwards : Compilation of In-Car videos from Drift Games Round 3

We would like to thank everyone for the support this season that help make this happen, if you would like to get involved or support a young driver competing in two top championships please email us on support@lwiedwards.com for options, we would love to hear from you.

British Drift Championship-Round 3-Teeside-Report

BDC2019 Round 3 Masterclass – Teeside Autodrome – Lwi Edwards

With a short break from the Drift Games National championship in Ireland, our next round for Young Blood, Lwi Edwards was round 3 of the British Drift Championship which was visiting Teeside for the second time due to problems securing a new venue. However, the circuit was to be run in the traditional direction, with very fast entry into banked circuit, this was a bit of a concern for us due slight shortage of horsepower that the BMW M3 evo suffers from against a field of 450+ hp cars. Currently lying in 5th position in the championship, it is becoming obvious that he has the ability to get impressive results in his first year of competition.

With the van loaded, it was time to hit the road early from the Allitalia World HQ in Wrexham to make the most of practice on Friday and arrive to a mixed bag of typical summer weather, heavy rain showers. Initially spending the morning on a wet setup with the grippy Triace tyres, towards the afternoon, the skies cleared and the track dried and decided to revert back to the Irish control tyre, a road based Westlake tyre which Lwi prefers. One of the last runs of the day, Lwi managed to do a chase run with Pro driver Martin Wonnacott and even the power difference is probably double, still held a reasonable proximity during the chase… admittedly, Martin’s tyres were shot and he lost grip, but it was a chance to run with one of the top drivers in championship without being embarrassed .

Lwi Edwards chasing Martin Wonnacott in practice runs

Qualifying, and due to Lwi Edwards sitting high up in the championship, he was one of the last to set out on his qualifying run. Once again showing that, with his technical smooth style, he can get the most from his relatively low powered M3 engine by putting it exactly where the judges ask, hitting all the clipping points and not dragging the handbrake. Lwi is quickly gaining the new name of ‘Mr Technical’ from the Judges who appreciate his style of driving. Another impressive score of 83.67 was enough to give him 4th position overall at the end of the session. On to the Battles

Top 32, due to his opponent Matt Fountain having car problems, Lwi was given a byrun, and automatically through to the Top 16. Its was a shame as Lwi had battles Matt the last time at Teeside and he was looking forward to a rematch.

Top 16, and Lwi was to battle a driver who has been on point all year, Lee ‘Colgate’ Lawrence in his S14. Lwi to lead and put in his usual perfect qualifying line, Lee had a bit of a moment while following and lost his drift. The chase run, Lwi lost a little proximity due to getting mixed up in the smoke from Lee, but held his line. Advantage went to Lwi and he was through to the Great 8.

Top 16 battles Teeside- Lwi Edwards Vs Lee Colgate Lawrence

Great 8 – Another great battle to come with hugely experienced driver with 10 years behind him, Karl Farrar in his V8 powered RX8, this was going to be a hard fight. Lwi to lead out with a perfect line as always apart from a tiny error on last clip . On his chase, the proximity was slight problem and this was judged as one of the main reasons to favour Karl. It was mentioned again the Lwi was not outclassed, but out ‘carred’, something that will need to be addressed sooner than we expected. So advantage Karl and Lwi failed to make final 4 again!

Great 8 Battles Teeside – Lwi Edwards Vs Karl Farrar

A fantastic result once again for Young Blood, Lwi Edwards, to almost make it into the final 4, consistently in every round, which has now placed him in 2nd position overall on the British Drift Championship leaderboard, and only 5 points behind the top spot. Amazing for a 17yr old on his first attempt of a UK championship and only 15 months in a drift car. The future is going to get interesting with more support and sponsors needed to help his career grow .. more horsepower is needed !

BDC 2019 standings – Lwi Edwards 2nd after round 3 Teeside

Our next round of the British Drift Championship will be at the NEC Birmingham 27th July. Inbetween this we will be sailing back to Ireland for the next round of Drift Games Nationals on 7th July in Northern Ireland where Lwi is currently in 13th position overall.

British Drift Championship : Round 2 : Driftland : Report

Lwi Edwards : BDC2019 Rnd2 : Driftland : credit MS Photography

Round 2 of the British drift Championship found us making the long trip over the border to Driftland in Lochgelly, Scotland. With young blood, Lwi Edwards sitting in 5th place overall in the Pro-Am championship, we knew it would be a challenging weekend at the purpose built drift circuit that suits high horsepower cars

Friday practice was spent familiarising himself with a circuit that Lwi had not visted before. With the team trying different settings on the BMW E36 M3, he settled in pretty quickly and dialled in the qualifying line before session finished. Feeling comfortable with the setup, he decided to finish on a high after nailing an almost prefect qualifying run.

Qualifying : 84 points and 3rd Position

BDC2019 Driftland : Lwi Edwards : Qualifying

Saturday started with open practice for the morning, with the sun shining and a dry track, Lwi spent his time just cleaning up his qualifying lines before the main qualifying sessions started. The weather became overcast as sessions started and the rush to get a run in before it started to rain was on. His first run was clean and tidy, scoring a very impressive 84 points, putting him in 2nd place. Then the weather started to change and light rain started to make things interesting. After making the decision to ‘send it’ on second run, Lwi got caught out with the slippy track on entry to first clip and slipped off line, this was immediately a zero score, so luckily his 84 point run was enough to finish in 3rd place overall.

Into BattlesThe heavens opened

BDC2019 Driftland : Top 32 Battle : Lwi Edwards Vs Charles Funnell

Top 32 : And the heavens opened, we hoped this could give Lwi a small advantage and level the playing field and we were right, so decided to change to narrower Triace tyres on the rear and Uniroyal rainsports on front for more grip in the torrential rain. First battle was with Charles Funnell in his nicely built AE86. Lwi had a great jump on him in lead position and lay down his usual perfect line even in the rain, unfortunately for Charles he couldnt get the grip needed to catch Lwi. The chase run for Lwi was same, with Charles struggling with conditions and Lwi comfortably keeping close proximity throughout. First win to Lwi and though to top 16

BDC2019 Driftland : Top 16 Battle : Stu Jones Vs Lwi Edwards

Top 16 : And Lwi was pitched against Stu Jones in his Nissan, another high powered car in hands of experienced driver. The Lead run and once again, Lwi was not phased by the very wet and slippy conditions to pull a clean lead line while the chase car struggled for grip and Lwi managed to pull a gap which he held until the finish. The chase run and Lwi held a good proximity to the lead car, keeping a safe distance as the lead car made a few small errors. All in Lwi’s favour and he moved through to the Great 8.

BDC2019 Driftland : Great 8 Battle : Lwi Edwards vs Martyn Cowley

Great 8 : A place Lwi has been before and this battle was going to be hard, with Matryn Cowley in his Nissan, another very talented driver who is renowned to be aggressive on the chase runs and is currently leading the championship. The Lead run, and Lwi made a small mistake into clip 2, just dropping a wheel over the circuit into the huge puddle that had developed, but the chase driver also made a large error in the middle of circuit which had now developed a mixed surface of grip, catching a few drivers by surprise. The chase run, for Lwi was hard work, Martyn’s car had the grip and the power but Lwi managed to keep close proximity but in the same area of the circuit that Martyn had problems Lwi had to back off to avoid hitting the lead car, this caused him to transition too early and he ran wide off track on that clip. After composing himself, he held a good chase position for the rest of the run.

So it was all up to the judges to make their decision, which seemed to take for ever, both drivers had made errors on the difficult mixed surface and opinions were mixed, the majority wanted one more time, but judges couldnt agree and the win went to Martyn Cowley. A controversial decision as both drivers would have been happy to run OMT to battle it out. So Lwi was out and Martyn Cowley made though to Final 4 and on to finish on the podium

Another amazing result for Lwi in his first competitive season at a circuit he had never even visited before, never mind driven, the weather did help with lack of horsepower in battles, but he also qualified 3rd in the dry against some big horsepower cars. The podium is getting closer every time and Lwi is currently sitting in a nice position on the championship table in 5th overall.

Credit must go to Learn2Drift, the leading UK drift school that started the whole drift mission 18 months ago, now officially an instructor for the school, with their help and guidance, it has enabled Lwi to experience drifting on both wet and dry surfaces in different vehicles. The opportunity to gain extra seat time inbetween competition is invaluable and is recommended to both beginners and experienced drifters. http://www.learn2drift.com

British Drift Championship : Countdown to round 2 : Driftland, Lochgelly, Scotland

British Drift Championship Rnd2 Driftland 25th May 2019 : Lwi Edwards

Fresh from Drift Games Nationals in Cork, Ireland, it is now all change and 25/26th May will see us make the long trek back up north and over the border of Scotland to the drifters mecca, Driftland in Fife, the only purpose built drift track in the UK.

A notoriously fast track will be a challenge again for young Lwi Edwards in the Allitalia prepared BMW E36 M3 with moderate power against some high powered machinery but his technical driving style should make up for the lack of horsepower. Still only his first year in competition, Lwi is currently sitting in 5th place overall after a great result in Teeside and is hoping to build on this result this coming weekend.

Transformation from Drift Games Nationals to British Drift Championship for Lwi Edwards M3

The car has been checked over in the workshop, given a bill of health ready to go apart from change of graphics from Drift Games to British Drift Championship and a few minor changes and repairs. Transmission upgrades will have to wait until after this round, the car is continually being modified and improved this year as none of us expected Lwi to be competing at such a high level so soon and he will be competing within a limited budget.

So stocking up on tyres and fuel, our trip to Scotland will soon be with us, come and join the fun at Driftland, or if you cant, check out the BDC Livestream https://www.thebritishdriftchampionship.co.uk/live

Drift Games Nationals Round 2 : King of the Hill : Watergrasshill, Cork . Weekend report

Lwi Edwards Drift Games Nationals at King of the Hill
Credit to Niall Keating Photography

Another trip across the water from our base in North Wales with the help of Irish Ferries for Lwi and the M3 Powered E36 Coupe for round 2 of the Drift Games National championships at Kartworld, Watergrasshill, Cork

The Saturday was a practice day and the chance to get familiar with the circuit and the first time using the Westlake control tyre, based on a standard road tyre , it is designed to level the playing field and benefit lower horsepower cars.

The layout of the track was very technical, a lot of elevation and the Drift Games team had spent some time designing a very tight and challenging layout to test the abilities of the 75 drivers. This certainly made for entertaining battles later in weekend.

Sunday : Raceday

Sunday starts with briefing from the Drift Games team and help and advice on how the layout should be driven to gain maximum points. With an hour and half practice in the morning it gave Lwi a final chance to hone his line and get the feel of the circuit until he snapped a driveshaft, luckily this was in practice and changed by team mechanic, Dan, in a few minutes. then it was straight into qualifying mode.

Qualifying for the top 32 places and Lwi was his usual technical, precise self, where much more experienced drivers struggled with the tight layout, he nailed his first run to score 85 points. The judges commenting on his technical lines. Second run couldnt better his previous score and by end of the session Lwi was seeded in 10th place . Once again the level of driving to get into the top 32 was incredible, with the lowest score of 74 up to 92 shows the level of the competition, one small error and you drop out of qualifying.

To the Battles. The Top 32 started with Mark Brady in Nissan Skyline, a close battle which Lwi won and progressed to top 16.

Top 16, was a hard battle, pitched against another very experienced driver Justin Murphy in similar spec M3 Powered E36 BMW, it was going to be a close run. Both drivers made small errors which made it difficult to judge and resulted in a ‘one more time’ run call. Both Lwi and Justin once again did clean lead and chase run and after a very long deliberation by the judges, Lwi was knocked out of the top 16 by a very small margin of errors. Check out the footage from YouTube playlist below

Great result for Lwi Edwards, more points on the Drift Games championship leaderboard sees him currently in 13th position overall.

Big thanks to everyone who helps Lwi to achieve these results in the two premier drift championships. Next challenge will see us in Driftland Scotland for round 2 of the British Drift Championship on 25th May 2019 . Currently in 5th position overall and looking for a good result. See you there!